Beer Blogger Roundtable

November 13, 2014 Darrell 0

We have on tap another round of the Beer Blogger special. We are joined again by Chris of Queen City Fresh and Renée M. DeLuca of the The Brewer’s Daughter blog. Also for the first time we have Good ol Boy Mike from Sips, Suds, & Smokes. We cover latest beer news, trends and culture in Ohio and around the country. Get your beer ready and have a listen.

Never Fear, Beer is Here

July 11, 2014 Darrell 0

After a forced vacation from a broken hard drive, we are back in the saddle. Mark and Darrell are behind the microphones talking about their first love, BEER. We are jumping into the stats/state of beer recently released, the trend of Detox Retox for work outs, and the merits of brewery tours vs brewery crawl. It’s a loaded episode that we have all geared up for you. So join us, take a break, grab a beer and let us invade your brain.